Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa n yup. i'm one of them. maybe this is one of the reason of my not-up-to-date blog. busy in searching my whole new life n now the new life gonna totally start in september. insyaAllah~ the truth is i'm excited as well as the other members of this organization. a lot n i really means A LOT of experience to gain n we will not waste it just like that but we wanna grab all the opportunities that come. this golden opportunities only come once in our college life time so grab as many as we can. i still remember what Prof Bashir (the ex-dean of vet faculty) said n this is what i hold on until now :
lucky = readiness + opportunity
u can create ur own luck but how...?? it is very easy.if u r ready n at the same time the opportunity come, grab it. insyaAllah the path towards success is easy. but..... if u r ready but there were no opportunity or if there is opportunity but u r not ready yet, difficulty may arise. it is okay if u r not ready yet or no opportunity to grab. life is a long journey to go n u may found it later..=)
Aduh.....! penat jugak mengarang essay nie...haha.but seriously guys, it is true..*nodding head* kalo x rse nervous tu tipu la sbb kita akan berdepan dgn bermcm2 jenis org but still kta jgn mudah melatah. prasaan marah, sedih, putus asa, dengki mmg patut dijauhi kalo nk sesebuah organisasi tu maju n dihormati. Last but not least, semoga semua urusanku akan dipermudahkan oleh Allah SWT.amin.
MTM sesi 2011/2012 & MTM sesi 2012/2013 |
ttfn : i want supports from all of u n not sikap dengki =)