...specially for u...

tengah dok2 bosan akibat test 2 dh abis, ttba aq terigt plak kt sorg kwn aq nie.bukan terigt pe pun juz terigt yg dye kata dye nk strt post something kt blog baru ciptaan sepenuhnya dr ms. Z.tanpa membuang ms lagi aq trus login blogspot khas tuk bc hasil nukilan dye.

hurmmmm.................................................not bad n u should keep it up.no! i mean really really really up..hehe=p.apa yang bleh aq conclude kan kat cnie adalah bahawasanya 1st post dr ms. Z agak kurang sense of humour.yeah! actly aq pn x twu pe yg aq nk smpikan.haha.kinda weird but cute n gelabah ckit.opppsssss!jgn marah ms. Z =p

weh, nnt ko jgn lpe update post tau.aq x kisah pun kalo ko nak kutuk sapa2 tp agak2 ckit la ea kalo ko nk kutuk aq.mane dak nye.aq kn dh follow ko.yes! i exactly know. any gossip, any hot story n anything that related to them is between both of us!hee~

p/s : makin byk la bnda yg dye x puas ati aq dpt selongkar...=p